
SEE Change’s activities are led by our volunteers working together in groups. Our groups are either geographically based or topic based. They are led by a convenor or co-convenors and meet on a regular basis to discuss ideas and plan activities. 

Groups choose the topics they focus on based on their interests and passions. 40% of membership fees are allocated to the geographic groups to help cover the costs of holding events.

Community Toolbox Canberra

The Community Toolbox is home to the "library of things”, which allows the community to borrow all sorts of tools and equipment for your DIY, craft, gardening, home and outdoor needs. It’s a great way to reduce consumption and partake in a circular economy! Go to their website for all the up-to-date info on how to borrow, what you can borrow, what you can donate, and much more.


Woden Group

SEE Change Woden has taken over the operation of the Hughes Repair Cafe from November 2023. We will be working with COTA to build on the amazing work they have done at the cafe and see this community project grow and become a key part of the Woden community. If you would like to volunteer at the cafe or as a repairer, email Erica at


Gungahlin Group 

The Gungahlin group meets regularly to share sustainability tips and resources, and to plan events in the local area. The group are passionate about biodiversity, local wildlife and plant life, and gardens that support ecosystems. See previous biodiversity topics the group have covered here.

For further details on how to get involved with SEE Change Gungahlin activities, contact Lyn at



If you are interested in cooperatives, worker self-directed enterprises, commons, community based infrastructure and organisations, the democratisation of capital, alternative forms of ownership, non-hierarchical management and building a new and just economy, then look no further than CoCanberra. CoCanberra is associated with the New Economy Network of Australia (NENA).

There are monthly CoCanberra meetups. To join the mailing list, get in touch with Scotty at


Inner North

Inner North SEE Change is passionate about revegetation of local parks, planting native greenery, and making them more pollinator and bird friendly. The group is currently in the planning process of revegetating a park in Downer. They are currently running fun outdoor working bees to improve a greenspace in O’Connor. Keep an eye on our events page for details.

If you are interested in getting involved, email Louise at


Electrify Canberra

Suburb Zero are a volunteer-based organisation in Canberra and group of SEE Change that are passionate about electrifying and decarbonising our community. Their mission: To make it easier for our neighbours to switch to all-electric homes and quickly electrify neighbourhoods across the ACT. Visit their website here to find out more about their projects.


Creatives for the Environment

This special interest group has recently formed and plan to undertake activities to advocate for climate action and collaborate with various environmental organisations using creatives skills such as photography, video, and various art forms. To get invloved, get in touch with Astrid at

Microforest Collective

Our role is to empower and support microforest makers. Our group consists of Convenor, Edwina Robinson (former Executive Officer of SEE Change) and Microforest Maker, Mitch Porteous co-leader of the Queanbeyan Microforest and Liz Adcock and Purdie Bowden, co-leaders of the Watson Microforest. Head to their website here for more info and how to get involved.

Tuggeranong Group

The Tuggeranong group is passionate about mindfulness regarding consumption and consumer waste. Events such as the regular Tuggeranong Repair Café, plus Living Simply sustainability market days, vegetable swaps etc encourage the community to reduce, reuse, repurpose, rethink, share, repair and recycle. Aims are to keep items from being discarded into landfill if they can be reused or repaired, and the Repair Café promotes the sharing of fixing skills and advice within the Tuggeranong community.

Join the Tuggeranong Facebook Group here, and follow the Tuggeranong Repair Café on Facebook here.

For further details on volunteering your skills with the Tuggeranong Repair Café or getting involved with or volunteering at the Group’s other activities, contact Liz or Karen at

Belconnen Group

The Belconnen group are currently running the Verge Garden project, creating 5 demonstration gardens in Belconnen, and are running the Belconnen Bike Bus. They are always open to different ideas from the community.

To find out more or join the group, get in touch with Hiria at , or follow the Facebook and Instagram pages


WasteLess focus on better waste management and reducing consumerism in Canberra, with particular emphasis on food and plastic waste. WasteLess meets on a regular basis to plan events, projects and campaigns.

They also publish regular articles with advice and resources about waste reduction, which you can find in our Waste webpage.

For further details on how to get involved with SEE Change WasteLess activities, contact Peter, the convener at

Living Streets

Living Streets advocates for Canberra streets to be a more inviting, safe and comfortable place for people to be out and about, walking and being in public spaces. They focus on people being able to get about without vehicles. Find out more on their website here, or contact the convenor at to get involved!

Subscribe to join the email list – so you can receive Living Streets Canberra news directly. Join the conversation and/or volunteer with us. Like and follow on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter 



SEE Change Kambah are looking to establish better connectivity and sustainability within the suburb. The group run a monthly Recycling Hub and support the Southside Homesteaders group.

SEE Change Kambah is looking for new members to join and help with the project. If you are interested, email


The Climate Change Education Project

The Climate Change Education Project of SEE Change delivers MIT’s (the American University’s) service to school communities to educate students and teachers about climate change, including: urgency, impact, options to slow/stop it, and reasons to hope. Students can participate in incursions – either on-site or online. Teachers can participate in Professional Learning workshops – either on-site or online

Get in touch with the Convenor,, for more information or to get involved with this group.