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CoCanberra / NENA Meetup

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This month: NENA's Civil Society Strategy for a New Economy - input from the Canberra Region

Civil society can be understood as the "third sector" of society, distinct from government and business, and including the community, household, and individual spheres.

Each year NENA focuses on a particular theme, and gathers input about it from all of the NENA hubs. Hubs host "Thinking Together" events to gather ideas, and explore them in a way which results in a basic strategic plan.

This year we are thinking about how Civil Society can inspire, create, and implement the changes we need to make. How can we organise to do it together, not just trying to make systemic change as atomised individuals?

Last month we got together and brainstormed ideas for what could be. It was lots of fun, an we all learned a lot.

Three major themes emerged:

  • community food production

  • Mental health: alternatives to drug treatments

  • Better ways of organising to meet our needs

See the detailed notes HERE

At this month's meetup we will collectively think our way through at least one, and hopefully two of the shortlisted issues using the NENA strategic templates. (templates from page 4)

If you have been plotting something for years, or are full of ideas and imagination, we want you to attend.

If you are feeling depressed or hopeless due to the mounting disasters we are dealing with, we want you too!

The next 10 years may well be the most exciting and inspiring period humanity will ever face, so help us cook up a tasty plan for the future!

We encourage folks from the south coast to attend as well, as there is currently no other NENA hub active in the region. Please forward this to anyone in the region you think may be interested!

Join meeting via Zoom:

More about New Economy Network Australia (NENA) here.