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Sustainable house - Macquarie

Multi-generational Living

This is a fantastic secondary residence in a family collective built for one family member prior to retirement.

By utilising a large unused backyard in Macquarie, a private 90 square metre home has been built with its own garden space. It is north facing which makes the most of passive solar design principles which focuses on build economy and energy efficiency, achieving 8.0 energy rating. The layout is flexible for large family gatherings as well as being very comfortable for single person living. The transition to older age was factored in with consideration given to potential future disability.

Energy costs of this home are reduced by the grid connected PV system and solar hot water system, energy efficient appliances and passive solar design principles. Highly insulated walls, ceiling and floor keep this home warm in winter and cool in summer. Rain water is collected and used on the water wise garden. Recycled concrete is used in β€œurbanite” retaining walls on the property.

A fledgling food forest including a pond made from salvaged materials surrounds the dwelling.

A confirmation email will be send to attendees containing the exact address of the tour. Please keep an eye out for this email a few days prior to the event.

Also note that the automatic reminder email sent from Eventbrite 24 hours prior to the event does not include the address.

This tour is a repeat of a sustainable house tour that SEE-Change ran in 2018.