Are you interested in sharing ideas and being part of a small community group to action them?
Woden SEE-Change is renewing in 2021
and we need you, your ideas and interests.
You are invited to our workshop to share ideas for local, engaging and fun projects relating to
social, environment and economic (SEE) change.
The Woden SEE-Change committee, together with volunteers,
has been working tirelessly for the past two years
on the Low Energy Super Shed (LESS) project
at the Canberra City Farm.
Nearing completion we are looking to our Canberra community to help plan our RENEWAL by hosting this WORKSHOP.
We are inviting other SEE-Change chapters, community groups and community members who have ideas for sustainable projects,
or would like to get involved with a fun, constructive group,
to come along.
This will take place at:
The Chapel
Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture
15 Blackall Street BARTON ACT
From 10.30am to 12.30pm
On Sunday 28 March 2021
BYO lunch (COVID safe)
Tea, coffee, milk and water will be supplied.
RSVP by 26 March 2021: or text 0437 673 431
Numbers will be limited
Free parking available onsite