Can we still be WasteLess during COVID-19?
We are hearing of businesses now refusing to fill reusable coffee cups; restaurants are only staying open with takeaways in takeaway containers. That all means lots more stuff going into rubbish bins. What do you do if you care about reducing waste?
This time is a good time to look at improving your cooking skills, particularly on how to make use of those vegetables in your fridge, thereby reducing food waste. Stirfrys are easy and make use of many vegetables e.g. carrots, capsicum, beans, snow peas and broccoli. Stirfrys are quick and easy to prepare. Throw in some cashews for some added protein and serve with rice. You can avoid plastic packaging on your cashews and rice by buying from your friendly bulk food shop, which remain open.
This time is also a good time to improve your gardening skills by planting seeds or seedlings. If you don’t have a lot of space, you can always plant in pots. Get a worm farm to take your food scraps and use the worm juice to help your vegetables grow. Before long, you will have great vegetables grown from kitchen vegetable and fruit scraps. Growing things will keep stress at bay.
If you have any other ideas on how to be WasteLess during COVID-19, please send your ideas to the convenor of the WasteLess group.